Structuring a Markov Model

Learning Objectives and Outline

Learning Objectives

  • Understand differences between rates and probabilities, hazard rates, relative risks, and other relevant model inputs.
  • Understand rate-to-probability conversion formulas and transition probability embedding.
  • Explain how to embed a transition probability matrix with a defined timestep.
  • Explore age-, time- and country/region-specific adjustments to a Markov model.


  1. Rates, probabilities, and other model inputs.
  2. Constructing the transition probability matrix.
  3. Model dynamics
  • Non-stationary rates: mortality and other time/age-varying parameters.
  • Tunnel states and other disease-specific transition dynamics


What Never Happens


  • Need transition probabilities but literature-based parameters are reported as:
  1. Rates
  2. Hazard ratios
  3. Odds ratios
  4. Relative risks
  5. Transition probabilities (rare!)

How can we deal with this?


  • Need “common ground” where we can combine and transform different model inputs.
  • This “common ground” is often found in a transition rate matrix.





Transition Rate Matrix

  • The central “hub” of a Markov model.
  • Straightforward to convert rate matrix into a transition probability matrix.
  • Can be used to change the cycle length.
  • Facilitates modeling using alternative techniques:
    • Continuous time Markov
    • Discrete event simulation

Four-Step Process

  1. Use data inputs/published literature to define a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).
  2. Make strategy-specific adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.
  3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix
  4. Make further overall or strategy-specific adjustments to \(\mathbf{P}\) as needed.

What is the difference between a rate and a probability?

Rates vs. Probabilities

  • Rate: number of occurrences of an event per unit of time.
  • Probability: Liklihood that an event will occur for an in individual over a defined time period.
  • Major difference is in denominator: rates take into account time at risk while probabilities do not.

Rates vs. Probabilities


  • Number of events divided by the total time at risk experienced by all people followed.
  • Ranges from 0 to \(\infty\).
  • \(\frac{\# \text{events in time period}}{\text{Total time period experienced by all subjects followed}}\)



Rates vs. Probabilities: Example1

  • Suppose a study followed 100 people with congestive heart failure for 4 years.
  • At the end of 4 years, 40 had died.
  • The probability of death over 4 years is \(40/100=0.40\).

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example1

  • A rate takes into acccount the time each person was at risk.
  • The 60 who survived were at risk the entire 4 years and contributed \(60 \times 4 = 240\) years at risk.
  • Once a person dies, he/she is no longer at risk.

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example1

  • When a study does not report time at risk, the conventional assumption is that the events were spread evenly over the time period.
  • Using this assumption, the average time at risk for the 40 who died was 2 years, adding 40 × 2 = 80 years at risk.

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example1

  • Total time at risk for the cohort of 100 people is 320 person-years (240+80).
  • Thus, the rate of death from CHF is 40/320 = 0.125 deaths per person-year.
  • Let’s now construct a rate matrix with three states: CHF, Death from CHF, and Death from other causes.

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example

CHF 0 0 0
D_CHF 0 0 0
D_OTH 0 0 0

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example

  • 0.125 per person year is the rate we’d enter into our rate matrix.
  • We could also think of a separate death rate from background causes (e.g., 0.006 per person-year).1

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example

CHF 0 0.125 0.006
D_CHF 0 0.000 0.000
D_OTH 0 0.000 0.000

Rates vs. Probabilities: Example

  • The diagonal elements in a rate matrix are just the negative sum of the off-diagonal elements.
  • In this example, the diagonal value for the 1st row would be -0.131 = -(0.125+0.006)
  • We can leave all other rate matrix values at 0 because the rate of progression from death to other states is zero.
CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0 0.000 0.000

Summary: Rates vs. Probabilities

Statistic Evaluates Range Applicable Domain
Rate \(\frac{\# \text{events in time period}}{\text{Total time period experienced by all subjects followed}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Rate matrix
Probability/risk \(\frac{\# \text{events in time period}}{\# \text{people followed for time period}}\) 0-1 Probability matrix

1. Place rates in a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).

1. Place rates in a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).

  • Country/region-specific background mortality rate (0.006)
  • Disease mortality rates from existing population-based epidemiological study. (e.g., 0.125 = 40 cases per 320 person-years)
  • Diagonal value that is the negative sum of the off-diagonal values in each row (-0.131).

“Natural History” (i.e., “do nothing”) rate matrix:

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0.000 0.000 0.000

1. Place rates in a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).

  • What we have just done is contruct a rate matrix for a “natural history” model of the disease (CHF).
  • This is a version of the model in which we allow the disease process to play out naturally, with no further intervention.
  • Sometimes called a “do nothing” strategy.

1. Place rates in a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).

  • The “natural history” model is useful because it can help us verify that the model matches what we see in the “real world.”
  • The “natural history” model also can be used to calibrate transition rates to different countries/contexts.
  • For example, we could recalibrate the model so the CHF mortality transition rate matches our country-specific data.

1. Place rates in a rate matrix \(\mathbf{R}\).

  • Alternatively, suppose we “borrow” a model developed in another country/context.
  • That model will be based on underlying rates specific to that context.
  • The underlying rate matrix can be used to “swap in” transition rates that apply to our country/context.
    • Example: change the background mortality rate to match you country’s.

2. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.

2. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.

  • Suppose that a new strategy can reduces the risk of CHF mortality by 20% (i.e., hazard ratio = 0.8).
  • We can simply apply this hazard ratio directly to construct a rate matrix for strategy A.
  • For the Strategy A rate matrix, the rate of CHF death is \(0.8 * 0.125 = 0.1\)
  • Make sure that the diagonal element is adjusted to account for this change!

“Natural History” rate matrix

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0.000 0.000 0.000

2. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.

  • Suppose that a new strategy can reduces the risk of CHF mortality by 20% (i.e., hazard ratio = 0.8).
  • We can simply apply this hazard ratio directly to construct a rate matrix for strategy A.
  • For the Strategy A rate matrix, the rate of CHF death is \(0.8 * 0.125 = 0.1\)
  • Make sure that the diagonal element is adjusted to account for this change!

“Natural History” rate matrix

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0.000 0.000 0.000

“Strategy A” rate matrix

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.106 0.1 0.006
Death_CHF 0 0 0.000
Death_Other 0 0 0.000

2. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.

  • Another adjustment we could make at this stage is the time cycle length.
  • Suppose our rate matrix is defined in terms of a one-year time cycle, but we want to convert to a monthly cycle.
  • In that event, we’d simply divide each rate in the matrix by 12, and the resulting matrix would be for a monthly timestep.

“Natural History” rate matrix (one-year timestep)

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0.000 0.000 0.000

2. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{R}\) as needed.

  • Another adjustment we could make at this stage is the time cycle length.
  • Suppose our rate matrix is defined in terms of a one-year time cycle, but we want to convert to a monthly cycle.
  • In that event, we’d simply divide each rate in the matrix by 12, and the resulting matrix would be for a monthly timestep.

“Natural History” rate matrix (one-year timestep)

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
Death_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
Death_Other 0.000 0.000 0.000

“Natural History” rate matrix (one-month timestep)

CHF Death_CHF Death_Other
CHF -0.0109 0.0104 5e-04
Death_CHF 0 0 0
Death_Other 0 0 0

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

  • Our next step is to convert the transition rate matrix into a transition probability matrix.
  • Common practice is to use rate-to-probability conversion formulas

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

  • Our next step is to convert the transition rate matrix into a transition probability matrix.
  • Common practice is to use rate-to-probability conversion formulas

\[ p = 1 - \exp(-rt) \] where \(r\) is the rate and \(t\) is the time-step.

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

  • This formula works fine when there is only one possible state an individual can transition to.
  • The formula will not calculate the correct transition probability if there are two or more states someone can transition to.

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

  • We will cover two approaches for constructing a transition probability matrix.
  • The first is technically incorrect, but is widely used and easier to implement because it ignores compound transitions (i.e., multiple transitions within a cycle).
  • You can get around these issues if you use a relatively short cycle length.

3. “Embed” the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix

The two approaches

  • 3a. Construct a transition probability matrix using rate-to-probability conversion formulas.
  • 3b. Embed the transition probability matrix using the rate matrix exponential (i.e., \(\mathbf{P}=e^{\mathbf{R}}\)).

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

The probability of transitioning from health state \(A\) to health state \(B\) is:

\[ p_{AB}= \frac{r_{AB}}{\sum_S r_{AS}}\big ( 1 - e^{-(\sum_S r_{AS}) t}\big ) \] where \(S\) captures all the health states (i.e., columns) in the transition rate matrix, and \(t\) is the time-step (e.g., \(t=1\) if 1 year, \(t=1/12\) if one month, etc.).

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Let’s build on our chronic heart failure example from earlier. Here is the transition rate matrix we constructed:

CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
D_CHF 0.000 0.000 0.000
D_OTH 0.000 0.000 0.000

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Let’s now calculate the probability of transitioning from the CHF state to D_CHF (death from heart failure).

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Annual probability of transitioning from CHF to death from CHF:

\[ p_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}}= \frac{r_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}}}{r_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}} + r_{\text{CHF,D_OTH}}}\big ( 1 - e^{-(r_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}} + r_{\text{CHF,D_OTH}}) \times 1}\big ) \]

We can find each of these rates in our transition rate matrix…

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Annual probability of transitioning from CHF to death from CHF:

\[ p_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}}= \frac{\color{red}{0.125}}{\color{red}{0.125}+\color{green}{0.006}}\big ( 1 - e^{-(\color{red}{0.125}+\color{green}{0.006}) \times 1}\big ) = 0.1172 \]

CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
D_CHF 0.000 0 0
D_OTH 0.000 0 0

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Let’s now calculate the probability of transitioning from the CHF state to D_OTH (death from other causes).

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Annual probability of transitioning from CHF to death from other causes:

\[ p_{\text{CHF,D_CHF}}= \frac{\color{green}{0.006}}{\color{red}{0.125}+\color{green}{0.006}}\big ( 1 - e^{-(\color{red}{0.125}+\color{green}{0.006}) \times 1}\big ) = 0.00562 \]

CHF -0.131 0.125 0.006
D_CHF 0.000 0 0
D_OTH 0.000 0 0

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

  • We now have the quantities needed to complete the first row of our transition rate matrix.

  • Recall that the diagonal elements of the transition probability matrix are just 1 minus the other transition probabilities.

3a. Rate-to-probability conversion

Calculated transition probability matrix:

CHF 0.8772 0.1172 0.0056
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix

  • The most technically correct approach for “embedding” a transition probability matrix is using the rate matrix exponential.

  • This is a matrix analogue to the cellwise rate-to-probability matrix process we just went through.

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix

\[ \mathbf{P} = e^{\mathbf{R}} \]

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix


  • Embedding the transition probability matrix in this way ensures that the correct transition probabilities are calculated.

  • Without going into too many details, this approach ensures that some compound transitions are not “hidden” in the Markov cycle.

  • This ensures that our discrete time Markov model accurately represents the underlying continuous time process.

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix


  • A major drawback is that this approach can create some “jumpover” states that are seemingly inconsistent with the underlying model (see blog for more).

  • Accounting for “hidden” transitions and jumpover states requires augmenting the transition probability matrix (again, see blog for details).

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix

Cons, cont’d:

  • Excel does not easily do matrix exponentiation, however you can use an approximation via a “power series expansion”

  • Modern (free) statistical software can easily exponentiate a matrix:

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix

Cons, cont’d:

  • Excel does not easily do matrix exponentiation, however you can use an approximation (we’ll do this in a case study).

  • Modern (free) statistical software can easily exponentiate a matrix:

m_P = expm(m_R)

3b. Exponentiate the transition rate matrix

For our chronic heart failure example, the exponentiated matrix yields a very similar answer to the first approach:

CHF 0.8772 0.1172 0.0056
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

So Where Are We Now?

So Where Are We Now?

  • By constructing our model using the “roots” of a transition rate matrix, we can incorporate disparate sources of information.

  • Facilitates country/region-specific background mortality.

  • Facilitates standardizing inputs measured at different time intervals.

So Where Are We Now?

  • Not all literature-based parameters operate on transition rates.

  • You will often find that the strategies you want to model have inputs based on odds ratios, relative risks, risk differences, etc.

CHF Example, Continued

  • Recall from earlier that we constructed two transition rate matrices:

    1. “Natural History” rate matrix
    2. Strategy A (“New Drug”) rate matrix based on a hazard ratio (for CHF mortality) of 0.8.

CHF Example, Continued

These two rate matrices can be used to construct the following transition probability matrices:

m_P_NH =

CHF 0.8772 0.1172 0.0056
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

m_P_A =

CHF 0.8994 0.0949 0.0057
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

CHF Example, Continued

  • Now suppose we wanted to model a second strategy (“B”) based on a randomized trial of another drug.
  • That trial reports an odds ratio (OR) of CHF death of 0.75.
  • The probability of CHF death in the placebo (control) arm in that trial was 0.15.1

CHF Example, Continued

  • An odds ratio is based on the odds of an outcome happening, which is directly related to the probability.
  • Odds = \(\frac{\text{Probability of Outcome}}{1 - \text{Probability of Outcome}}\)
  • Odds Ratio = \(\frac{\text{Odds of outcome in exposed}}{\text{Odds of outcome in unexposed}}\)

CHF Example, Continued


Not all literature-based parameters operate on the rate scale. Some operate on the probability scale!

4. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{P}\) as needed.

4. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{P}\) as needed.

  • Constructing our final transition probability matrix—for natural history or more specifically for for a stratgey under consideration–may require further adjustment.
  • We must be careful about the scale on which these parameters apply.
  • Odds ratios, relative risks, and risk differences all operate on the probability scale.

4. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{P}\) as needed.

Statistic Evaluates Range Applicable Domain
Rate \(\frac{\# \text{events in time period}}{\text{Total time period experienced by all subjects followed}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Rate matrix
Hazard Ratio \(\frac{\text{Hazard rate of outcome in exposed}}{\text{Hazard rate of outcome in unexposed}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Rate matrix
Probability/risk \(\frac{\# \text{events in time period}}{\# \text{people followed for time period}}\) 0-1 Probability matrix
Odds \(\frac{\text{Probability of Outcome}}{1 - \text{Probability of Outcome}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Probability matrix
Odds Ratio \(\frac{\text{Odds of outcome in exposed}}{\text{Odds of outcome in unexposed}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Probability matrix
Relative Risk \(\frac{\text{Probability of outcome in exposed}}{\text{Probablity of outcome in unexposed}}\) 0 to \(\infty\) Probability matrix
Risk Difference \(\text{Probability of outcome in exposed}-\text{Probablity of outcome in unexposed}\) -1 to 1 Probability matrix

4. Make adjustments to \(\mathbf{P_s}\) as needed.

CHF Example, Continued

Let’s turn back to our CHF example.

  • Suppose we wanted to model a second strategy (“B”) based on a randomized trial of another drug.
  • That trial reports an odds ratio (OR) of CHF death of 0.75.
  • The probability of CHF death in the placebo (control) arm in that trial was 0.15.

CHF Example, Continued

  • We can convert an odds ratio to a relative risk (i.e., ratio of probabilities) if we know the baseline (unexposed) probability of the outcome, \(p_0\).
  • In this case we were able to find \(p_0=0.15\) in the underlying clinical trial.
  • If we didn’t have this information, we might assume its the same (0.1172) as in our underlying natural history probability matrix1

CHF Example, Continued

  • We can convert an odds ratio to a relative risk (RR).1
  • \(RR = \frac{\text{Probability of outcome in exposed}}{\text{Probablity of outcome in unexposed}} = \frac{p_1}{p_0} = \frac{OR}{(1-p_0+(p_0 \times OR))}\)
  • A relative risk is the ratio of the probability of the outcome in the exposed group to the probability of the outcome in the unexposed group.

CHF Example, Continued

  • \(RR = \frac{p_1}{p_0}\)
  • \(p_1 = RR \times p_0\)
  • \(p_{D_{CHF}} = 0.75 \times .15 = 0.1125\)

CHF Example, Continued

m_P =
CHF 0.8772 0.1172 0.0056
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
m_P_A =
CHF 0.8994 0.0949 0.0057
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
m_P_B =
CHF 0.8819 0.1125 0.0056
D_CHF 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
D_OTH 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

Transition probability matrices (NH = Natural History; A = Strategy A; B = Strategy B)

Full Process

Nonstationary Transitions

Transition Dynamics

  • We have focused on “static” transition rate/probability matrices.
  • Often, transitions vary as a function of time.

Transition Dynamics

  • Nonstationary rates: background mortality rate rises with age.
  • Nonstationary rates: transition to disease status may vary over different ages.
  • Time-dependent event transitions: rate of adverse events after disease onset is higher in first cycle, lower in subsequent cycles.

Age-Varying Background Mortality

  • Useful data source is life table data. You used this in the Alive-Dead case study!
  • May be available from vital statistics division in your country.
  • Also available (by region) from the UN and other organizations.

Nonstationary Rates

  • You may have other parameters that vary by age.
    • Disease specific mortality rate:

Source: Russell et al. (2016)

Nonstationary Rates

  • You may have other parameters that vary by age.
    • Disease specific mortality rate:
    • Age-specific intervention rates/probabilities

Source: Russell et al. (2016)

Nonstationary Rates

  • It is straightforward to incorporate these dynamics into a Markov model.
  • Essentially, you recalculate the transition probability matrix in each cycle.
  • This works long as the underlying rates/probabilities change by age.
  • Amua can handle all of this for you, provided you enter the age-specific “lookup table” in the model (just as with background mortality).

Other Transition Dynamics

  • Suppose, instead, that event/transition rates, costs, quality of life vary over the course of a disease or other process in our model.
  • Example: cost, quality of life weight, or risk of adverse event (e.g., death) is different in first year after disease onset, and changes thereafter.
  • These types of dynamics are more challenging to implement – but you can often do it!

Other Transition Dynamics

  • One option is to simply build a decision tree around events that occur at higher rates shortly after disease onset, surgery, drug initiation, etc.

  • The decision tree can follow people until they reach a “steady state” — then the Markov model can pick up from there.

Other Transition Dynamics

  • Another option is “tunnel states” — simply expand the health state to follow people over the first few cycles of onset.

  • Tunnel states are “non-markovian,” so they need to be added once you have the transition probability matrix defined.

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

  • Let’s take a simple healthy, sick, dead model.
  • Illness onset rate = 0.0314
  • Background mortality rate = 0.0094
  • Illness increases the risk of death by a hazard ratio of 5.45.

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

Transition rate matrix: \(\mathbf{R}\)

H -0.0408 0.0314 0.0094
S 0.0000 -0.0513 0.0513
D 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

Transition probability matrix: \(\exp(\mathbf{R})\)

H 0.96 0.03 0.01
S 0.00 0.95 0.05
D 0.00 0.00 1.00

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

  • Now suppose that the probability of death from disease varies by time since disease onset.

    • 0.08 in first year
    • 0.06 in second year
    • 0.04 in third year onwards
  • We can add tunnel states to our transition probability matrix to accomodate this.

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

  • Here is the new transition probability matrix.
  • Notice how the tunnel states “force” people to transition either to the next disease state if they do not die of the disease in the cycle.
H S1 S2 S D
H 0.96 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01
S1 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.08
S2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.06
S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04
D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00

Tunnel States: Healthy, Sick, Dead

  • If we run out the Markov trace for five cycles, here are the results.
cycle H S1 S2 S S_total D
0 1000 0 0 0 0 0
1 960 30 0 0 30 10
2 922 29 28 0 57 22
3 885 28 26 26 80 35
4 849 27 25 50 102 49
5 815 25 24 72 121 63


Gidwani, Risha, and Louise B. Russell. 2020. “Estimating Transition Probabilities from Published Evidence: A Tutorial for Decision Modelers.” PharmacoEconomics 38 (11): 1153–64.
Russell, Louise B., Sri Ram Pentakota, Cristiana Maria Toscano, Ben Cosgriff, and Anushua Sinha. 2016. “What Pertussis Mortality Rates Make Maternal Acellular Pertussis Immunization Cost-Effective in Low-and Middle-Income Countries? A Decision Analysis.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 63 (suppl_4): S227–35.
Zhang, Jun, and Kai F. Yu. 1998. “What’s the Relative Risk?A Method of Correcting the Odds Ratio in Cohort Studies of Common Outcomes.” JAMA 280 (19): 1690–91.